Shannon Theorem:
A cipher (E, D) over (K, M, C) has perfect secrecy
|K| >= |M|
The theorem is identical the below statement.
|K| <= |M|
A cipher doesn't have perfect secrecy
My proof of the theorem is to give an example.
K = {0, 1}, M = C = {0, 1}^2
We define the encryption algorithm E as below.
if k = 0,
m c
00 00
01 01
10 10
11 11
if k = 1,
m c
00 01
01 10
10 11
11 10
We use the below formula to verify if the cipher is perfect secrecy. It it is perfect secrecy,
Pr [E (k, m) = c] = constant
I use the both pairs
(m, c) = (00, 00) or (00, 10)
to verify it.
Pr [E (k, 00) = 00] = (# of keys) / |K| = 1/2,
Only one key, k=0, exists.
Pr [E (k, 00) = 10] = (# of keys) / |K| = 0/2 = 0,
We cannot find a key to make the equation.
Pr [E (k, m) = c] = 1/2 or 0
Obviously, it is not constant. Therefore the cipher is not perfect secrecy. We proof it. Actually, the cipher is called substitute cipher.
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